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Maya Khurana presented her senior thesis project, "Cold and Heat Denaturation of Yfh1 are Oppositely Affected in Cells" at her residential college's Mellon Forum. Pictured here she explains how we use FRET to monitor protein conformation.

What is a Mellon Forum?

Mellon Senior Forums at Branford College seek to foster in our Seniors the sense of belonging to the community of scholars. Organized in the form of dinner meetings to which both Seniors and their advisers are invited, they provide some of our most talented students the opportunity to present the results of their independent research projects. The Forums also offer the possibility of especially close interaction between the Head of the College, the Dean, and Branford Seniors in comfortable and intimate surroundings. Branford holds a number of Senior Forums in the Spring semester. After dinner is served, two students deliver research papers, usually fifteen minutes in length, to an audience of fellow Seniors. Attempts are made to cover a wide range of topics in various branches of the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and the Natural Sciences. Each paper is immediately followed by a lively and intense question and answer period which permits the Senior to clarify (and perhaps modify) his/her critical stance. (Taken from

Writer's pictureDavis Lab

This year the whole lab attended the annual Biophysical Society Meeting. (Back Left: Grayson Hoy, Raibat Sarker, Sydney Shuster, Brahmmmi Patel. Front Left: Ume Tahir, Marisa Barilla. Back Right: Hannah Castillo, Maya Khurana, Michael Burke, Eddie Knab, Caitlin Davis. Front Right: Cailin Hoang, Lydia Tarekegn)

The week started off with a group trip on the Acela - from New Haven to Philadelphia!

Members of the group gave 18 poster presentations at the meeting - including presentations during the Undergraduate Poster Competition, Graduate Poster Competition, and Just B Symposia.

The week also featured platform talks by Sydney Shuster and Brahmmi Patel and flash talks by Raibat Sarker and Eddie Knab.

The highlight of the week may have been bingo! Hannah Castillo came away with the grand prize (and Eddie Knab also won a prize).

Writer's pictureDavis Lab

We ended 2023 with a lab holiday party. There was cookie decorating (Michael Burke baked), white elephant gift exchange, and Taboo. Ume Tahir created a chemistree out of lab supplies!

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